Monday, October 31, 2022

Haiku #16 and #17: "her empty chair" and "a wolf tree's"

Fall Poetry Series: Happy Halloween! Part of the apparitions project involved sharing poetry and photography from other talented writers and artists, in celebration of the book's publication and this incredible year of poetry. I promised another short poetry series this fall, which has encompassed the poems I've shared in my non-poetry books, including This House: The True Story of a Girl and a Ghost, Maryland Ghosts: Paranormal Encounters in the Free State, and Where the Party Never Ended: Ghosts of the Old Baraboo Inn. Alas, Breakfast with Bigfoot lacks a dedicated poem, but makes up for it in poop jokes. This week, we'll close with the haiku featured at the beginning of Maryland Ghosts and Where the Party Never Ended, titled "her empty chair" and "a wolf tree's," respectively:

her empty chair…
still telling
old ghost stories


a wolf tree’s
twisting branches—
             choosing joy

"her empty chair" and "a wolf tree's," copyright 2022 Amelia Cotter ("her empty chair" first published in Maryland Ghosts: Paranormal Encounters in the Free State and "a wolf tree's first published in Where the Party Never Ended: Ghosts of the Old Baraboo Inn)

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